What we offer...

All Services provided to victims are FREE and CONFIDENTIAL.

Emergency shelter

Temporary shelter for survivors and their children when they need a safe place to go.

support groups

We offer support groups for victims of domestic violence. Contact us to see what's available.

Application assistance

We offer application assistance to victims and their children based on needs.

legal aid assistance

We offer legal assistance to victims of domestic violence from their abusive partners. 

court advocacy

We offer support to help you in legal processes.

special events

We offer events to bring awareness of domestic violence to our community.

educational Presentations

Educational presentations are available to all ages(children, teens, adults, and seniors) civic groups, local schools, employers, and other organizations. 


Volunteering offers counseling, safety information, and resources to victims of domestic violence.

public awareness

We offer public awareness information to the community to see the effects of domestic violence.

goal setting

With one-on-one meetings, we will help set goals for your future. 

emergency transportation

We offer local emergency transportation to victims of domestic violence.

crisis intervention

We offer confidential counseling, assessments, and support to victims and their families of domestic abuse.